Wheel Alignment
As well as affecting driving performance, vehicle handling and tyre wear, poorly aligned wheels can also be very dangerous, compromising not only yours and your passengers safety but other road users as well. Rackhams Auto Body Centre can provide you with a full four wheel geometry check, including a detailed results print out, perform adjustments to correct discrepancies and offer further advice if these discrepancies can’t be corrected by adjustments.

Body Repairs
Regardless of the type of body damage, our dedicated team are confident that they can help with any kind of repair.

Air Conditioning
Our experienced technicians work from our on-site Air-Con servicing system, providing quick and professional repairs.

Replacement Tyres
Quick and convenient replacement service with a comprehensive range of tyres for all car manufacturers and performance preferences.

Paintless Dent Removal
A money-saving form of dent removal, giving a high-class end result without having to reinstate your vehicles paintwork.